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Truthful Tuesday Jan 4, 2022

"create community so people can and support and help each other"

I hope you’re doing well, and that you’re being kind to others and yourself 🤟🏻
Here is your #Truthfultuesday 🤗
I’ve always had a lot of ambition growing up. To this day wherever I go I want to help the community I’m in and create community so people can support and help each other. I find myself wanting to spend all day picking up all the trash people throw out on the street, or help people who are working on repairs for their home, or try to create a safe event where people can make friends and connections. I really don’t believe any of these things are hard to do. Sure it’s not my responsibility, but that’s what I think everyone is telling themselves. The only real thing that keeps me from doing these things is my own fear of failure, and that’s valid, but I also don’t think that’s a good enough reason

Truthful Tuesday Jan 4, 2022
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